How does a solar power plant change sunlight into electricity using technology

In the field of energy, we are increasingly noticing the presence of renewable energy sources, particularly solar. Photovoltaic solar power plants convert the sun's radiation into electricity. This phenomenon is possible thanks to photovoltaic cells. The next few lines will reveal to you all the secrets of this conversion process.

Capturing sunlight

Thermodynamic and thermal solar power plants use heat from the sun to generate electricity. This is not the case for photovoltaic solar power plants. The latter are made up of solar panels equipped with photovoltaic cells which capture the sun's radiation. They can be installed on the ground or on the roof. However, to be able to produce energy optimally, these solar panels must be arranged correctly.

Good orientation

In order to properly capture sunlight, solar panels must be oriented towards the south. This will boost the efficiency of the plant. Indeed, by having this orientation, the solar power plant will be able to benefit from better solar energy throughout the day.

The perfect tilt

The tilt of solar panels also plays an important role in energy production. In France, it will be 30 to 35° from the horizontal. This is the best way for the plant to provide optimal performance all year round.

Photovoltaic cells

Proper tilt and orientation are not enough for solar panels to produce clean, sustainable electricity. You should know that they are made of silicon-based photovoltaic cells. The latter is a semiconductor material. It plays a crucial role in converting sunlight into energy. Note that silicon is the most abundant material on earth, after oxygen. There are several types of photovoltaic cells: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous. Of all these models, it is monocrystalline silicon which will offer better Watt-peak (Wp) output to the solar power plant.

The conversion of light into electricity

The conversion of light into electricity is done thanks to the photovoltaic effect. This phenomenon was discovered for the first time by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel in 1839. By definition, this term refers to the ability of semiconductor materials to convert sunlight into electrical energy. Photons contained in sunlight are absorbed by photovoltaic cells to produce electricity.

Concretely, how is this conversion carried out?

To explain this conversion in detail, you need to know that sunlight is made up of photons. Each of these contains energy corresponding to each wavelength of the solar spectrum. Once the photon hits the photovoltaic cell, it comes into contact with an electron contained in the silicon (semiconductor material). The electron therefore obtains additional energy and detaches itself from its initial position. It will therefore create a hole at the level of the atom. This is the electron-hole.

Current collection and transport

The current generated by photovoltaic cells is called “continuous”. This is the type of electric current present in high voltage networks. It is not usable. For it to be used, it must be collected and transported to inverters. The latter transform them into alternating current usable in conventional electricity networks. This whole process is done with the help of cables and different connecting devices.

The different types of inverters

The inverter is an important component of a solar power plant. There are two categories.

  • The centralized inverter allows a series connection. He will be responsible for all management of the solar panels that make up the photovoltaic plant. It will be installed near the electric meter.
  • The microinverter will be connected to each solar panel. The advantage of this device is that if a solar panel malfunctions, it does not affect the entire plant. It will be completely independent.

Cables for carrying current

To carry current, cables are necessary. In a solar power plant, they are made of started multi-strand copper. Thanks to this, there will be better connectivity between the elements. This type of cable makes it possible to avoid voltage drops which must not exceed 5%. The length of the cables must not be too short or too long so as not to cause a malfunction or overheating.

The connectors

These devices guarantee better connection of the solar power plant. These are important items and it is recommended that only high quality connectors be used. Their roles are to ensure a good connection and to avoid voltage losses. They must also withstand heat, UV rays and bad weather. For the moment, MC4 type connectors are the most recommended.

Integration into the electricity network

Once the alternating current is produced by the solar photovoltaic plant, it can be integrated into a power grid. To do this, the use of a transformer is essential. This will allow electricity to be transmitted without any risk. In fact, this device will increase the voltage of the current so that it can be transmitted over long distances with safety.

Users may not use this clean electricity directly. In this case, it can be placed in storage batteries for later use (at night or during days when there is less sunlight).

Environmental and economic benefits

Converting sunlight into energy has multiple benefits for both the environment and the economy.

A more breathable planet

Environmentally, photovoltaic solar power plants are very beneficial. They do not emit CO2, which reduces the carbon footprint. Therefore, solar energy is a very effective solution to combat climate change and to actively contribute to the ecological transition.

This reduction in greenhouse gas emissions will also make it possible to reduce the release of pollutants into the air. This will provide a much cleaner and breathable planet for future generations. Solar power plants also help preserve natural resources which are currently drying up.


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