Sustainable city & mobility: real alternatives for city dwellers?

Among the main axes of urban strategies in terms of defending the environment but also developing the attractiveness of the territory, we include that of mobility. Nationally in 2019, transport was already the leading sector emitting the most greenhouse gases (GHG) with around 31% of the national inventory. There is no doubt that to achieve the quality of a sustainable city or smart city , it is essential to develop the mobility offer towards a greener version. But how to do it ? What very concrete solutions are available to city dwellers wishing to reassess their behavior on the road?

Alternative or green mobility, what are we talking about?

First of all, a few reminders.

The essence of alternative mobility is to change our use of polluting vehicles towards modes of transport that are less polluting, and therefore necessarily more “green”. By adopting more eco-responsible behavior, we effectively reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible and we mitigate – on our scale – the effects of global warming.

Currently, the offer of alternative mobility is particularly developed almost everywhere in France, particularly in cities. Unfortunately, awareness of the urgency of an accelerated ecological transition clashes with all consumption habits, making the massive and lasting implementation of alternative mobility offers particularly difficult. Developing a greener offer and above all an alternative to the individual car has many advantages, including:

A reduction in the city's carbon footprint through less car use and a reduction in traffic (traffic jams, etc.),

Better acoustic comfort for city dwellers (busy roads, horns, etc.),

Air less saturated with particles and therefore healthier . Did you know that air pollution is currently the third cause of death in France?

A drop in household spending.

Let's take an overview of the alternative mobility solutions currently available to us.

The electric scooter, a new tool for green mobility

The inclusion in law of the rules relating to the use of an electric scooter on the road clearly reveals the importance that this new mode of transport has acquired in our daily lives following its emergence in 2019. For a price around €300 at entry level, city dwellers can now count on an electric means of transport allowing them to reach a cruising speed of around 25 km/h – similar to that of a bicycle – without the slightest effort.

The territories have also taken the step of developing a green mobility offer around this new mode of transport: fleets of self-service scooters can already be found in Paris as in many European cities such as Milan, in particular.

Carpooling, moving “differently”?

For years now, carpooling has been the subject of numerous incentive campaigns. However, we still consider this type of mobility as an alternative.

For what ? Quite simply because despite the use of the car, it contributes to changing the “classic” behavior of the motorist, alone at the wheel of his car. If carpooling is so popular today, it is because this alternative mobility is based on the classic automobile and is also supported by many private players well known to the general public such as Blablacar. It does not imply reviewing one's use of the automobile but rather rethinking one's behavior, in rural and urban areas, on both short and long journeys.

A generator of social ties and financial savings in addition, carpooling almost exclusively has advantages: it is hardly surprising that this alternative mobility has less difficulty anchoring itself in the urban panorama than certain other solutions developed.

Are hybrid vehicles the future of mobility?

Developing clean vehicle sectors is one of the government's main challenges in the fight against greenhouse gas emissions and improving urban air quality. In recent years, we have seen a clear increase in the share of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles: + 38% in each segment between 2018 and 2019 and nearly 140% between the first quarter of 2019 and the same period in 2020.

By 2030, hybrid and electric vehicles will represent almost 58% of total car sales in Europe, according to expert estimates.

All this is notably due to the implementation of advantageous financing solutions (up to €11,000 on purchase) or even subsidies for the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles (more than 29,000 points today). now open to the public). Restrictions linked to emissions from standard vehicles also have something to do with it. Due to the Climate Plan in particular, the objective is for example to reduce the circulation of polluting gasoline or diesel vehicles in Paris by 2024...

This is good news when we know that a traditional vehicle consumes 2 to 6 times more than an electric vehicle over its entire life cycle. You will have understood, it is indeed electric which is expected to take center stage, to meet the growing needs of consumers.

Reducing your travel is still the best way to consume differently

The cleanest trip is undoubtedly the one we don't do. The year 2021 has seen its share of upheavals, particularly following the Covid-19 crisis. Among them, the famous use of teleworking, everywhere in France and in a large majority of sectors. Finally, wouldn't this be an excellent opportunity to travel less? Skipping one or two trips to work per week is undoubtedly beneficial both for the environment and for your wallet. So if the opportunity is given to you, take it! 


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